Less bloated, clothes fitting better already, tons more energy, feeling full and enjoying all the easy, tasty healthy recipes they’re learning to create.
These were just some of the comments from the ladies at the end of week 1 of my 12 week online coaching program.
Between 8 of them (one more started slightly late so didn’t count her weight) they lost an incredible 25 pounds in their first week. And there’s no crazy dieting going on here. This eating REAL food, building in manageable exercise, and creating a LIFESTYLE that works. Not only to get in great shape, but to actually STAY there too (GOODBYE for good, yo-yo dieting!).
All of these ladies are busy mums with a lot of demands on their time. But they’ve taken ACTION.
They’ve jumped in on this program and now have me to guide and keep them accountable to achieving the results they’re after. I’m super excited for them all and I cannot wait to show you how fantastic they’re going to be looking and feeling just in time for Christmas.
So what about you?
Where are YOU at right now?
There’s now just over 10 weeks until Christmas. That’s a good time-frame still to set yourself a goal and make considerable progress. Even accounting for the 3 week run-up to the big day, where all the festivities and parties start happening and it gets tougher to lose any weight. That’s still 8 weeks to get to where you want to be.
You could very healthily lose a stone in that time, if you wanted and needed to.
In a way that doesn’t feel like dieting; just focusing on healthy habits.
Cutting back on unhealthy snacks or takeaways.
Going for a walk on your lunchbreak.
Getting to the gym 3 times a week.
Drinking more water.
Reducing your portion sizes by eating from a smaller plate.
Replacing carbs with more veggies in your evening meal.
Any of these habits could help to (literally) tip the scales in your favour.
Wouldn’t it be great to look back at the end of this year having finished it on a high?
Feeling healthier, slimmer, fitter and more confident is a great way to do it.
PLEASE don’t wait til the last minute and then go on some crazy last ditch diet to fit into your Christmas party outfit.
And please also don’t do nothing at all, and then feel awful, ashamed and embarrassed by your body.
If you need to make a change, the time is now.
Get a vision in your head of you looking and feeling how you want to be, then keep fixated on that vision. See and feel it every day.
Choose one or two simple habits that will help you the most, start doing them, and KEEP doing them.
If I can help, just get in touch –