Literally with the click of a button, over £2000, gone!
Always find it amazing how you can just do that online. But I couldn’t be more excited with what I’ve spent it on.
From March 2018 I’ll be starting a 1-year course with Mac Nutrition University. This is THE very best company in the fitness industry when it comes to reaching expert level in the world of nutrition. Not cheap, but worth every penny for the knowledge and skills gained.
With a year of intensive study, and passing the exams, I will then be a Mac Nutrition certified Nutritionist. This is HUGE when it comes to helping the clients I work with through Personal training and online coaching. I completely love what I do and my goal is to be the very best I can be. Helping as many people as possible get healthy, happy, fit, confident and enjoying life to the full.
This course covers everything from super in-depth knowledge on protein, carbs and fat, to helping people find a mindset and eating plan that brings them long-term success. We also go into special considerations such as pregnancy, PCOS, diabetes, IBS and gut health.
I’m confident in my knowledge right now but this will take things to a completely new level.
Very excited! I’ll be using the information to help clients achieve amazing results, and will sharing some useful info in these emails too.
Any questions you have, feel free to get in touch at any point.
It would be really great to know… What’s one thing you’re going to commit to that will help make 2018 a brilliant year for you?
We feel at our best when we’re learning, growing, improving our lives, making progress. And we often have so much more power to make things happen than we think we do. Sometimes you might need to invest in yourself. You can make back the money (and/or sell some of your possessions on eBay like I’m now doing! 😉 ). But you can’t get back time wasted.
If you have a goal, chase it. Keep taking action, get support if you need it, keep going and you will get there. How amazing will that be?
Are you looking to lose weight WITHOUT dieting, fit into smaller clothes, feel amazing and transform for GOOD?
My next ladies-only Change For Life program will be starting on 1st JANUARY 2018. This will be a 6 week kickstart to the new year, where you’ll learn all you need to know to not only lose weight in a healthy and enjoyable way, but KEEP it off too.
It’s all online, with a group of fabulous women just like you. More info and the link to apply is here: