December 6

Lets just start again in January!

So much food and temptation around right now! Meals out, drinks, chocolate and mince pies everywhere…definitely a tough time of year to stay on track with your goals. It’s the chocolate, gingerbread men and lebkuchen stars that get me… love those! And the ‘oh go on, it’s Christmas’ feeling that everyone starts to get. It’s easy to get into the mindset of ‘there’s no point trying to be good, I’ll just have what I like and start again in January’. But that doesn’t leave you feeling very good once you reach January! You definitely should enjoy meals out and some festive treats over Christmas – I will (and already have been) too.

It’s always worth remembering that there are plenty of little things you can do to help balance out some of the extra calories coming in – Then you can still have what you fancy, feel great at Christmas, and have much less work to do come new year.  

  • Walking whenever and wherever you can 
  • doing a workout or class on the day of your meal 
  • reducing your snacks
  • delaying or skipping breakfast so you eat less before you go out 
  • cutting out calories from drinks like smoothies and lattes (so you can save them for  instead)

Are just a few ways you could save.

Sometimes, you might pick a healthy/low calorie choice when you’re out anyway. Other times you might think ‘f*ck it, I’m having what I want!’. Either way, that’s cool! Just keep mindful of things you can do to be healthy / active / reduce calories at other times in the day (and/or the next day) and enjoy whatever you choose.


Are you looking to lose weight WITHOUT dieting, fit into smaller clothes, feel amazing and transform for GOOD?  My next ladies-only Change For Life program will be starting on 1st JANUARY 2018. This will be a 6 week kickstart to the new year, where you’ll learn all you need to know to not only lose weight in a healthy and enjoyable way, but KEEP it off too. It’s all online, with a group of fabulous women just like you. More info and the link to apply is here:



achieve, body, exercise, goal setting, health, motivation, training, weight loss, women

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