January 4

ONE thing you can do to make this year a great one

Happy New Year!

Here’s a photo from my New Year’s Eve… having fun during a nice walk in the rain, followed by dinner out (at an Indian, as it was NYE shared chicken tikka masala and some other creamy coconutty dish with fruit in, very high in calories but also very yum!!), and being home and asleep by 11pm… Rock and roll! Just what we like 🙂  Hope you had a great one.

Today is the first day of my latest Change For Life program. 15 awesome women in there, all of us working together for the next 8 weeks to get 2018 off to the best possible start.

Our aim – to build a healthy, happy, ENJOYABLE lifestyle that leads to LONG-TERM weight loss success. Still enjoying the food and drink we love. No longer feeling guilty after a bit of indulgence or obsessing over what the scales say. Looking after body and mind so we can live our best life possible. For the ladies in the group, today our focus is on setting some specific goals.

A good thing to spend time thinking about on a rainy New Years Day  If there is ONE THING you can do to start this year off as you mean to go on, I’d suggest writing down your goals, and then making a plan of action to achieve them (ok technically that could be two things!)

Clarity about what you want will help your motivation so much in the weeks and months ahead. These are the questions I posted in the group this morning:

  1. What would you like to achieve in these next 8 weeks?
  2. What would you like to have achieved in 6 months time?
  3. How would you like to be looking, feeling and living by this time next year?

Be specific with these goals – think about weight and dress size if this helps, but also think about health, fitness and lifestyle. What do you really want life to look like?

  1. Why is this important to you?

It really helps here to go deeper – goals such as ‘lose weight to feel better’ are too vague to really motivate and inspire. ‘reach a size 12 in time for Summer by planning my meals, hitting 10,000 steps each day and only drinking at weekends. This means I will feel confident to live my best life and be a great role model for my kids’ will fuel your motivation a lot more. THEN, what are the steps you need to put in place to help you achieve those goals?

This is what I’ll be working on with the ladies in the group. Habits are the big key to success. What healthy habits can you put in place to help you succeed? It could be…

  • planning meals for the week
  • batch cooking at the weekend
  • committing to hit 10,000 steps each day
  • booking yourself into classes
  • aiming to get a serving of protein in every meal
  • getting to bed by 10pm
  • drinking 2 litres of water every day

All these kind of not-too-exciting habits are what lead to results when done consistently. With clear goals and a strong reason WHY you want to achieve them, you can find the motivation to keep going, one step at a time, long enough to start seeing results. Then that will spur you on even more, and you’ll be well on your way to success.

I hope this has helped, and I’d love to hear what your goals are for 2018. Here’s to making it a great one. 



achieve, body, encouragement, exercise, exercise for weight loss, fitness, goals, health, lifestyle, lose weight, mindset, motivation, nutrition, online trainer, recipe, weights training

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