May 23

Trying to Lose Weight? Do This TODAY


Planning your food and preparing meals in advance is one of the BEST things you can do if you are trying to lose weight.
More important even than exercise.
What you eat, in terms of the amount and quality, has by far the biggest impact on how your body looks and how much fat it holds on to.
You need to be burning off more calories than you are consuming, and it is far easier (and way less time consuming) to control this through food than by trying to burn off the excess you eat.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying don’t exercise! Exercise is important too. But make sorting your food your priority.
You’re busy during the week.
You’ve got work, kids, family to juggle.
So do yourself a big favour today.
Come up with a plan for some healthy meals for the week.
Go shopping for everything you need.
Cook up a big batch of something today (like my boxes of chicken and chorizo paella in the photo above).
You can freeze some stuff for later in the week too if you need to.
Plan as much as you can so that when the time comes to it, the meal or the ingredients you need are all there waiting for you.
You’ll be amazed at how many calories this cuts out from impromptu snacking and unplanned meals.


fitness, food, lose weight, nutrition, personal trainer, personal trainer haywards heath, weight loss

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